[BTCh] Otro Dato
patricio salgado fernandez
psalgadof en gmail.com
Dom Mar 23 16:11:08 PDT 2008
*HR Executive - Recruitment
*Do you speak fluent English? Do you have a University Degree? Do you want
to earn in US Dollars? Applications are invited from individuals for the
full time post of "Human Resource Executive- Recruiting". Job Description
The selected individuals will be based in our Santiago office and will work
over the internet to source resumes, screen candidates, conduct phone
interviews and check references of professional and technical applicants.
On-the-job-training will be provided. Required Qualifications 1. Excellent
English speaking and writing skills 2. Minimum education Quarto Medio -
university degree preferred If you do not have any experience in this field
you can still apply. Individuals with prior experience in Human Resources
and understanding of terminology of Information Technology, Engineering or
Clinical Research will be preferred. APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1. Send your
resume / CV in ENGLISH - 2. Attach a recent photograph 3. Put your name and
the job applied for in the subject line.
*Localidad:* Santiago - R.Metrop.
*Fecha:* 22 de marzo de 2008
*Más detalles en:* http://www.computrabajo.cl/bt-ofrd-yes2aq-14364.htm [*pulse
aquí ...*<http://www.computrabajo.cl/bt-ofrd-yes2aq-14364.htm?CorreoE=psalgadof@gmail.com>
Patricio Salgado Fernandez
Contador Auditor
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